We had the pleasure of interviewing Jeff Rivera last year. He's been BUSY! Jeff started his own publishing company and is newest novel is being released Oct. 28th -- the day this edition is being released! Jeff was kind enough to give us his interview before he took his book on the road.
Many people reviewers have been quoted as saying that Forever My Lady made them cry. How does that feel?
It feels really good because that's what I set out to do. I mean move people not necessarily make them cry. That's when you know you've really touched a chord and connected with people when you've moved them to tears or made them laugh.
What's a typical day like when your working on a novel?
When I'm actually writing and in writing-mode I can write 20 single spaced pages a day but otherwise I tinker throughout the day and after 8 hours of procrastination I'll cram 8 hours of work in a couple of hours.
You seem pretty well-respected in the industry. How important is it to network as a writer in order to get published?
I think it doesn't hurt especially when you're first starting. The mistake I see writers make is when they meet an agent they have this desperation energy that agent's feel and it turns them off. People like those who are calm, cool, confident in their abilities and aren't anxious about being signed.
Do you think you need to live in New York in order to have a better shot?
Not at all. I sold Forever My Lady when I was in Miami but being here in New York really does make it easier to meet people face to face and associate with them, get to know them as real people not just as objects of desire.
Where can we get copies of Forever My Lady?
Try Amazon.com or your local bookstore or even my website: www.JeffRivera.com