Sunday, April 27, 2008
Finding Familia on YouTube!
So I am almost TWO YEARS OFF but I can't help but beam with pride. My brother, Rod Reyes is one of the Latin Heavy Hitters of Comedy at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe. Andale hermano!!!
For those of you who don't know my family can say we all bring jokes. My brother Rod is a writer performer, my brother Rick was a well known comic and me...I'm just a clown. I rarely mention my sister as she's not an exhibitionist like the rest of us but don't let her corporate demeanor fool you. Sis, brings jokes just like the rest of our clan.
Anypues. Thought I share my moment of pride and discovery.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hellboy To Hobbit: Director Guillermo del Toro is On Fire!

Just read today that one of Pablo’s favorite filmmakers, Guillermo del Toro, will be moving to New Zealand for the next four years to work with Peter Jackson on the next two features in the Lord of the Rings franchise.
I think Guillermo will do a fantastic job on the Hobbit. I loved “Pan’s Labyrinth.” He did great work creating the surreal almost chilly environment in that film, juxtaposed against the fiery characters of the young girl and General. I think a similar relationship between characters and environment exists in the Lord of the Rings in a more complex way. Good thing have more money (LOL)!!! It’s my personal belief that if a person can’t create great art on a small budget, they’ll probably just waste cash with a big one.
BTW, I just read that “Pan’s Labyrinth” set a record as the highest grossing Spanish language film in U.S. box office history!
Oh yeah, the redheaded chonchito in the picture, is Guillermo del Toro. I find it hard to believe that any one reading this blog would not know that there are white Mexicans. Pero, just in case…
Al rato,
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Latin Quarters: 4 Latinos On Their Art & Hispanic Culture
A quick look at life and talent inside Latino culture. I am always fascinated by the diversity of the Latino culture. How many people exclude themselves from the culture because they don't understand that the experiences, even within the community are infinite. At NALIP we met so many people, from various backgrounds and one common passion...MOVIES!
As promised in a previous blog here are Camila Martins and Alexis Beauford, Cory Fernandez and Anthony Nardolillo.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Vote For Best Video on MTV3
Ok. So I'm not going to go on and on about how brilliant Daniel is in this post. I'm just going to plug his video!
Malverde’s Music Video “ESTE CAMINO” directed by Daniel Hastings moved up to #5 on MTV tres miTRL this week.
To Watch the video click on the link and VOTE (NO NEED TO LOG IN)
Just click on the link, wait ‘till all the thumbnails load up.
Look for “MALVERDE – ESTE CAMINO” click on the little circle next to it and click submit.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Drug Abuse Videos by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu Are Not for the Faint of Heart
Inarritu happens to be one of my favorite directors. I came across this series of videos and I found them chilling. I’ve seen all of Inarritu’s films so I shouldn’t be surprised by his ability to bring such a high level of tension in such a short time. Meth is a scary thing. It’s like crack…on crack.
Here’s a blurb from the Reuters article:
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Acclaimed Mexican film director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, whose works include "Babel" and "21 Grams," has created a series of TV ads aimed at discouraging methamphetamine use by U.S. teenagers, organizers said on Tuesday.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Rosie Perez and her BIG MOUTH!
I read a post on a blog that stated Rosie’s press lately was mostly focused on her sex scene with John Leguizamo in "The Take," directed by Brad Furman. The blogger went on to explain how her commitment to activism even at 19 had gotten her into the film industry. So what happened? According to the blog, she had been at a club where Spike Lee was having a Big Booty contest. She got up on stage and told the women that they shouldn’t let him degrade them. Spike was apparently impressed with her bravado and offered her a role in his next film.
So, how do we balance a sense of confidence in our sensuality and respect at the same time? It’s a topic I hold dear to my heart. Hollywood is an easy place to loose one’s moral footing. There’s a TON of money to be made and let’s face it, almost everyone wants that 15 minutes of fame. More than one young starlet has compromised her own self-worth in order to be the next big thing. It takes a strong woman to enjoy the privilege of beauty, the discipline to maintain it and the power to command respect for it! There are several women that I commend for being sexy and SMART. I’ll probably blog about it someday.
Anypues, Rosie Perez has a big mouth…and it I love it! She wasn’t afraid to speak up then and she not afraid now. The blog includes her PSA for AIDS awareness and you can read it in full here:
I hope you will check out (powered by Participant media). Why wait to be famous to make a difference?
So, how do we balance a sense of confidence in our sensuality and respect at the same time? It’s a topic I hold dear to my heart. Hollywood is an easy place to loose one’s moral footing. There’s a TON of money to be made and let’s face it, almost everyone wants that 15 minutes of fame. More than one young starlet has compromised her own self-worth in order to be the next big thing. It takes a strong woman to enjoy the privilege of beauty, the discipline to maintain it and the power to command respect for it! There are several women that I commend for being sexy and SMART. I’ll probably blog about it someday.
Anypues, Rosie Perez has a big mouth…and it I love it! She wasn’t afraid to speak up then and she not afraid now. The blog includes her PSA for AIDS awareness and you can read it in full here:
I hope you will check out (powered by Participant media). Why wait to be famous to make a difference?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The AFL-CIO Online Video Contest Call For Entries
Hey guys. As you know, I’m always looking for ways to encourage my fellow film and video enthusiasts to get creative and make movies. I just found this and wanted to pass on the information. Now is your chance to say what’s on your mind AND make money.
WASHINGTON, April 10 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- The AFL-CIO today launched the "Turn Around America" video competition -- its first-ever online video contest -- and will feature the winners in television ads in part to engage voters and 2008 political candidates in a national dialogue about what is necessary to get America back on track.
Participants will be invited to submit online videos in any creative form that will answer the question of how to turn around America. The contest will run Apr. 10 through May 20 and winners will be announced in early June. The winning videos will be featured on national and local television. The categories include a national winner, who will receive $2,000 and the chance for the video to appear in national TV ads. City winners will win $1,000 and may be featured at AFL-CIO rallies and on local television. A "young activist" category will also be awarded to the best video made by someone between the ages of 14 and 25. The contest is open to the public.
WASHINGTON, April 10 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- The AFL-CIO today launched the "Turn Around America" video competition -- its first-ever online video contest -- and will feature the winners in television ads in part to engage voters and 2008 political candidates in a national dialogue about what is necessary to get America back on track.
Participants will be invited to submit online videos in any creative form that will answer the question of how to turn around America. The contest will run Apr. 10 through May 20 and winners will be announced in early June. The winning videos will be featured on national and local television. The categories include a national winner, who will receive $2,000 and the chance for the video to appear in national TV ads. City winners will win $1,000 and may be featured at AFL-CIO rallies and on local television. A "young activist" category will also be awarded to the best video made by someone between the ages of 14 and 25. The contest is open to the public.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
10 Reasons NOT to watch La Misma Luna WARNING/AVISO!!! This blog may contain spoilers.
If you are embarrassed to sob uncontrollably- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you have an aversion to hot Latinas- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you hate watching adorable kids who can act and totally steal movies- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you hate a feel good story- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you are mad that you don’t speak Spanish and are too lazy to read- do not watch La Misma Luna
If you need to see blood and guts- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you are too narrow minded to feel like you can relate to THOSE illegal immigrants- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you get upset when talented people bring their cinematic dreams to fruition- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you don’t like character actors that add depth and HUMOR to a film- do not watch La Misma Luna.
If you aren’t into modern day classics- do not watch La Misma Luna.
GOTCHA! Ok people, did you really think, that one of the internet’s biggest fans of Latino culture was going to hate one of the best movies of the year? (at least in my book…and ahem, it is my blog ;-)
A recent article in the LA Times says:
In Mexico, the heartfelt drama, written by Ligiah Villalobos, had the highest opening weekend for any Mexican film for all of 2007 and is holding that record for 2008 so far. On Monday of this week, the film was No. 1 at the box office, according to Fox Films in Mexico.
So...If you haven’t seen this or other movies we’ve mentioned in previous posts, please turn off your monitor and go!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Graffiti Controversy

Controversy. How do you create it? Become a graffiti artist. Alex Poli, a graffiti artist could probably write a book on the tribulations of creating art with a spray can and public walls. In September, Alex legally attained permits to paint 10,000 square feet of concrete wall at the Los Angeles River banks. The trouble began once the project was completed and now Alex is being threatened with fines by the county to cover the murals. (read the full article)
Go through the art history books and you can find many occurances when great artwork was questioned and deemed as not being art. Why can’t graffiti art transcend the scrutiny of public disdain? Perhaps it’s the gang tagging, the amateur attempts or the lack of art appreciation that seems to be a by-product of graffiti art.
In the future, the Bullfighter’s Cafe will take a closer look at graffiti art and examine all the issues that makes this type of artwork so contentious.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Top Ten Latino Movies
“Hollywood doesn’t make Latino films”. How often have you said this or have heard someone repeat this? I admit it; I’ve said it a few times. It wasn’t until I saw Angel’s entry on her top ten Latina movies that I realized that the statement is not entirely true. I also realized I have a top ten list, and here it is:
10 - Stand and Deliver – Blood In-Blood Out – American Me
Yes, I’m cheating by having three movies count as one, but as you may notice these movies are centered on the Cholo motif. While Stand and Deliver is my favorite of the three, I mentioned the other two because they still resonate with Chicanos. For me Stand and Deliver is more memorable because I went to school with Dominic, a buttoned up, slicked hair, strutting Cholo who was one of the smartest and nicest guys I have ever known. He was the actual Lou Diamond character, which made the film more truthful to me.
9. Mi Familia (1995)
Is there any other movie that depicts a family of migrants from Mexico to America? The story follows a family’s travels and generations as they face acculturation and assimilation, which touch on similar themes for almost every American. What I found similar is, I do remember my grandmother being as superstitious as Maria (Jennifer Lopez) in the movie. Maria proclaims that death, in the shape of an owl follows her son Chucho, until death finally catches up and takes him. My grandmother used to tell me about similar stories, which scared the crap out of me!
8. Amores Perros (2000)
I’m not a dog person so I hesitated to watch this movie, but I’m glad I did. When I think of this movie I always recall the ending, when an old man walks off into the sunset with some grungy, old dog. They both looked like they were about to die, but instead they seem to live with hope, joy and vigor to see another day. I remember this movie as being intense and full of contrasts, which imprinted lasting images in my consciousness.
7. Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
Guillermo del Toro has become my favorite director. Ever since I saw El Espinazo del Diablo (The Devil’s Backbone) I’ve been watching Guillermo’s films. I’m a fan of fantasy, mythology, and good old monster movies, and at the moment no one is doing it better than Guillermo. Pan’s Labyrinth could be considered a girl’s movie, but when you consider Guillermo’s courage to do the film in Spanish, this film has to be recognized.
6. Apocalypto (2006)
OK, I expect some backlash on this choice but let me remind you that I’m talking movies here and not documentaries. With that said, when I saw the Myan city in the film, I was awestruck by the images and beauty of the people. Yes, maybe its Hollywood makeup at its best, but it is still a wonderful thing to see so many beautiful brown faces on the big screen! On a serious note, this movie did wet my appetite to see more stories on the Myans and Aztecs, so that’s got to be a good thing too.
5. City of God (2002)
Every time I think of this Brazilian film about homeless, gangster kids it breaks my heart. The scene where the little boy gets shot in the foot brings a lump in my throat. How the director was able to get the nino to act through the scene is beyond me. Although, the film has been criticized for its artistry, I believe the beauty of the film added to the contrast of the bleakness of the kid’s lives. A powerful film to say the least.
4. No Country for Old Men (2007)
For Javier Barden’s performance alone, this film is remarkable. As I was sitting in the theater watching the film, I found myself tense and holding my breadth because of the evil projected by Javier’s character. Like Angel had mentioned about Jessica Abla’s ability to land nonLatina characters, I believe Javier’s performance should convince producers that there are talented Latino actors that can play a range of characters, given the opportunity.
3. Desperado (1995)
Danny Trejo throwing knives, Cheech Marin telling jokes and Selma Hayek… do I really need to say more? Well, to be fair I should say something about my business partner, but in respect to her wishes I will only say that this is truly one of my favorite films and I am lucky to have friend who was in this fun film.
2. La Bamba (1987)
If there is anyone reading this who hasn’t seen this film, do me a favor; give yourself a three stooges slap on the head. From motorcycles, rock-n-roll, bar fights to Tijauna whorehouses, this has to be one of the best guy’s movie ever made. The scene that I most relate to is when Ritchie’s family is celebrating and being filmed by a 8mm camera. I think Bob sticks his tongue at the camera, which looks like my family in so many of my dad’s early family films. This has to be considered the first mainstream, contemporary film that opened the doors for other Chicano films.
1. The Milagro Beanfield War (1988)
This film is my top pick for many reasons. Primarily, the film was a Chicano film without having to say it’s a Chicano story. The characters lived in a community where they could be who they were without having to prove their ethnicity with tired clichés. The story is about a community fighting corporate greed. It’s not about an individual fighting to live within his own brown skin but rather a human fighting for the righteousness of community. The magical realism and whimsy in the film also touched on aspects of Latin culture without over dramatizing the supernatural. Overall, I chose this as my top Latino film because it was the first film that I noticed that not all Latino stories have to be centered in the barrio, on gangsters or drug dealers. Latinos can just be “people” with common people challenges too.
Well that’s it. Although, these films made a lasting impression on my life, I’m sure your list may differ. In fact, by next week my list may change, as Angel said Motorcycle Diaries should be included, but I haven’t seen the movie yet, so who knows by next week it might be my number one film. Comment with your top ten, I’d like to know if I missed any other good films.
with gratitude,
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Hip Hot Reality TV
Endemol lands reality house Co. acquires 51 Minds Entertainment
In a deal valued at upward of $200 million, Endemol USA has acquired Cris Abrego and Mark Cronin's 51 Minds Entertainment, the reality factory that perfected the celebreality genre with nonscripted comedies such as "Flavor of Love," "I Love New York" and "The Surreal Life." read the full article
I am a huge Abrego fan, not of his shows per se, but surely as a producer and DEFINITELY as a business man. The 51 Minds model is one that should be copied for any producer wanting to compete in the world of reality genre television. Chris Abrego was on the Hip Hot Reality TV panel at the National Association of Latino Independent Producers and was an absolute idea factory! It was great to see a young veteran in the tv field...SO EXCITING! Ok, I may be biased but I was happier in a room with Chris than I probably would've been with Mark Burnett.
Looks like Endemol acquired a real winner.
In a deal valued at upward of $200 million, Endemol USA has acquired Cris Abrego and Mark Cronin's 51 Minds Entertainment, the reality factory that perfected the celebreality genre with nonscripted comedies such as "Flavor of Love," "I Love New York" and "The Surreal Life." read the full article
I am a huge Abrego fan, not of his shows per se, but surely as a producer and DEFINITELY as a business man. The 51 Minds model is one that should be copied for any producer wanting to compete in the world of reality genre television. Chris Abrego was on the Hip Hot Reality TV panel at the National Association of Latino Independent Producers and was an absolute idea factory! It was great to see a young veteran in the tv field...SO EXCITING! Ok, I may be biased but I was happier in a room with Chris than I probably would've been with Mark Burnett.
Looks like Endemol acquired a real winner.
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