The Question ~ Bullfighter's Cafe
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Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Question

As we often do, Paul and I spent an hour on the phone discussing art, passion and the quest for perfection. We began to ponder if as artist, we would ever be able to look back at a piece of our work and be completely satisfied. Maybe the journey of creation is the fuel for our passion and thus needs to be enjoyed more. Heck maybe we just need to be more raw, productive and unafraid to reveal our process.

In the mid 80's, I was a teenager and Jean-Michel Basquiat was hot. I didn't get it. It wasn't until recently that I came upon some of his works that I saw something amazing. In work I had previously viewed as chaotic and random, I now see FREEDOM, FEARLESSNESS and passion. From a purely cultural standpoint I finally understand how the fire burned within the artist and he let it be. Maybe he hated some elements of his work and he covered it over with layer upon layer. The end result was the revelation of a complex process he was unashamed to show.

Robert Rodriguez made El Mariachi. I adore Robert on so many levels but. Come on! Basic story... The acting left something to be desired and technically... it was a C. But he DID IT, and he is my hero. This is not a review of either Basquiat's or Rodriguez's work. It is my epiphany. I have worked so hard to be in control of my fire that I have missed many opportunities. I was afraid of imperfection, criticism, or failure so I have tweaked and edited my work to the point of nonexistence. My results are like a nightmare that leaves me screaming without sound and paralyzed with a desire to run. So the question is do I wait for perfection or do I jump in and create and allow the evolution of things learned to not only transform my work but my very self?

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